Incontinence can and does affect men, women and children. It can be an issue at any age having both a physical and social impact on your life. It can be confusing, mismanaged - and let's face it: a bit embarrassing - which is incredible, given that almost four millian Australians are affected by incontinence!
and discreet consultations are available at Rachel Mulley's Chemmart,
to discuss your continence support needs. We have a range of sample
products, and the latest information about what assistance is out there
when dealing with this health issue.
We can also facilitate the ongoing, timely purchase of your continence needs. This includes a full range of products such as catheters, bags, pads and accessories.
The public health Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS) offers a direct payment to people who have permanent and severe incontence issues. We have information on hand to help you access this Scheme.