24-Hour Blood Pressure Monitoring
Your heart pumps blood through your arteries. Blood Pressure tells us how much pressure is on your arteries as your blood travels around your body. It's important to know what your blood pressure is, and to get it checked regularly.

Blood pressure problems can lead to cardiovascular disease, heart attack and stroke. If your blood pressure is too low, the health risks are equally significant.

We offer two different types of testing for blood pressure. The first is a one-off test, which we offer in-store. There is no need to book an appointment for this service.

We also offer 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, with a doctor's referral. There are lots of reasons why you might be referred for a 24-hour blood pressure test. We will fit you with a unit that will measure your blood pressure, throughout the day and night. The unit takes readings at intervals and saves this information. Your blood pressure will be read while you are going about your normal, everyday activities - even while you are asleep.

To make a booking, you need to get your doctor to complete the referral form (available here), and then contact us.